Zip – A Continuation of my Conversation with Steve Santagati

Posted on Jan 9, 2012 in Celebrities in the News, Marriage, Relationships, Sex

Several months ago I was on Dr. Drew’s show, an episode about the Anthony Weiner exposure debacle, with a gentleman (term used loosely) named Steve Santagati who represented himself as an alpha male. Because of the nature of the television interview, we were unable to have a complete conversation, and I have some things left to say. Steve, you richly pointed out “we’re on a television show, not a documentary, so I have to speak in...

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Romantic Love? Closeness? Intimacy?

Posted on May 16, 2011 in Marriage, Relationships

This time of year in Los Angeles the roses in my garden are in full bloom, the air looks lavender and the world smells amazing and new. It’s the perfect time for a long walk or a picnic in a park. With family or friend, lover or spouse (or both), it’s time to be outside, savor the warmth of the spring weather and closeness with people you love. Watching Asher and Tova scooter up and down the block with the other kids that live on our street I...

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Dual Incomes Can Mean Dueling Partners

Posted on Dec 30, 2010 in Finances, Marriage

Dr. Michelle Golland: Let’s face it: For most families, it is a necessity for both parents to be working — just to make ends meet! I see many couples in my practice who are struggling to cope with limited time and limited resources. For some of these couples, the biggest challenge is dealing with issues of power and influence when it comes to money. Getty ImagesIn most families, money is a limited resource which requires the couple...

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Randy and Evi Quaid: Folie a Deux?

Posted on Oct 26, 2010 in Celebrities in the News, Domestic Violence, Marriage

Actor Randy Quaid and his wife, Evi, are seeking asylum in Canada from what they are calling the “Hollywood Star Whackers.” The Quaids have been finding themselves in a lot of trouble lately here in the United States. They have missed multiple court hearings related to felony vandalism charges in Santa Barbara. Their issues first came to light earlier this year, when the Quaids were charged with defrauding an innkeeper. Evi Quaid...

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What Happened the Night BEFORE Ginni Thomas Called Anita Hill?!

Posted on Oct 21, 2010 in Celebrities in the News, Marriage

Nearly twenty years after Anita Hill accused Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment during his contentious Supreme Court confirmation hearings, Ginni Thomas, Clarence’s wife, left Anita a message requesting an apology. I can’t help but wonder what went on in the Thomas home the night before that very early 7:30 AM message was left on Anita’s work voicemail at Brandeis College. Had there been some strange rehashing of those...

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TLC’s ‘Sister Wives’, The Price of Polygamy

Posted on Oct 20, 2010 in Marriage, Relationships, Religion, Television

During the “twenty-year wedding anniversary” episode of “Sister Wives,” the pain that wife number one, Meri, was feeling was palpable. This was caused by Kody Brown, her husband, showing his giddy affection for young wife number four, Robin, who is just joining the family. Meri has been married to Kody for twenty years. “Sister Wives,” the TLC series that is shining a spotlight on the polygamist culture...

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