What is therapy like with Dr. Michelle Golland?

Individual Therapy:

Dr. Michelle feels strongly that for us to grow emotionally and enrich our lives, we need to cultivate a curiosity and appreciation of the arts in the form of our own self expression and that of others. This vision is nurtured through her sponsoring local artists whose work is on display at The Loft. Dr. Michelle believes strongly that into everyone’s world, a little art must fall and is of the mind that both a beautiful and thoughtful environment encourages the development of personal beauty, both inside and out.

Couples & Relationship Therapy:

Dr. Golland believes our greatest growth occurs while in our love relationship. She believes we are paired with people to teach each other the deep core lessons we must deal with during our lifetime. We are attracted to people who will, in the end, give us the greatest insight into ourselves. As your couples and relationship therapist, Dr. Golland makes use of a variety of tools to help you improve your love and intimate relationships. Better communication, deeper meaning and greater empathy are her primary goals while working with couples.

Dr. Golland works with heterosexual couples, gay and lesbian couples, siblings and parents and adult children. Any significant relationship in distress benefit from Dr. Golland’s insight and expertise.

Executive Coaching:

In providing executive and corporate coaching Dr. Golland focuses on addressing the unique leadership challenges executives face within the corporate environment. She helps her executive clients achieve breakthrough performance in their professional lives by assisting them in understanding themselves and the blocks that may be hindering their leadership style and organizational abilities.

Speaking Engagements:

If you are looking for a dynamic speaker for your upcoming conference or seminar, Dr. Golland can attend your conference and provide a motivational speech that will be the highlight of your event. She is also available to facilitate a workshop for both small or large audiences on issues ranging from leadership, balancing work and life issues, discovering your life¹s journey, and a variety of other topics.

Dr.Golland is also available for radio and television appearances.

If you are interested in a speaking engagement, seminar or media request, please contact Dr. Golland by writing to her at info@drmichellegolland.com.