Articles: Dr. Michelle’s Blogs on Motherhood
- Unatanatokef – Escaping the Shackles of My Hell
- PTSD in the Wake of The Connecticut Shooting
- Nursing, Co-Sleeping and Baby Wearing OH MY… I’m Exhausted!
- Zip – A Continuation of my Conversation with Steve Santagati
- The Most Important Legacy of Joe Paterno
- The Million Teenage Mom March!
- For the Sake of our Children…
- Cup of Tears
- I Hate You!!
- Was a Fraud Perpetrated Not Just by Casey but by George and Cindy too?
- The Trunk
- The Science of Saying ‘I’m Sorry’
- Genderless Baby? Or Brainless Parents?
- A Weiner Exposed.
- Real Kid vs Fantasy Kid
- Things are a Changing! Thank God!
- Oy, Donald Trump.
- Romantic Love? Closeness? Intimacy?
- No Roses Today
- Perfectly Good Enough
- The Plague of Lice
- Are You Hard or Soft? Which Do You Share? It’s Not What You Think!
- Be Selfish! Well, Sort of
- The Burden of a Narcissistic Parent
- The Dime Toss
- The Deplorable Enablers of Charlie Sheen
- ‘Dear God, Can I Please Have a Christmas Tree?’
- John Mayer’s “Tweachable Moment”
- Dual Incomes Can Mean Dueling Partners
- Religion Actually Makes You Happier?!
- The Wrapping Paper Wars
- Dealing With Annoying Relatives on Thanksgiving
- Talking With a Parent Who is Dying
- Charlie Sheen: The Next Phil Spector?
- Heaven and Hell: Life with Multiple Kids
- Randy and Evi Quaid: Folie a Deux?
- Randy and Evi Quaid: Folie a Deux?
- What Happened the Night BEFORE Ginni Thomas Called Anita Hill?
- What Happened the Night BEFORE Ginni Thomas Called Anita Hill?!
- TLC’s ‘Sister Wives’, The Price of Polygamy
- Heaven and Hell: Life With Multiple Kids
- The Link Between Trauma and Happiness
- TLC’s ‘Sister Wives’: The High Price of Polygamy
- You Never Forget Your First Love
- Washing Kids’ Mouths Out Really Works!
- The Link Between Trauma and Happiness
- Taking Kids to a Gruesome Trial is Ridiculous!
- Sex Therapy Basics
- Stop the Teen-Pregnancy Blame Game!
- Stop the Teen-Pregnancy Blame Game!